Thursday, January 12, 2012

Podcast Are The Devil

I don't like podcasts. I haven't listened to a single one.

I'm old school in that I like reading. I don't mind staring at a computer screen and reading an article (which is kind of funny since I'm against e-readers). Bill Simmons is my favorite sportswriter but I'm so disappointed that he went to doing alot of podcats. I loved reading his stuff but now it's so few and far between, but he does a weekly podcast. I just won't listen to it.

He puts an article up, I'm all over it, even if it's Basketball which I don't relaly follow.

But a podcast? Easy Skip.

The other thing that I don't like is video news on the internet. I'm fine with YouTube videos and that kind of thing, but if I see a news article and I click on it and get a video, I'm not even bothering to read it.

The other day on Yahoo, saw a headline about a picture, so I clicked on it to see the picture. The link brought me to a video of a newscaster talking about the picture, so I had to watch the video for it to come up.

Hate that.

I love technology. I love the internet. But I like to read. Watching is for movies. Listening is for music. Articles are for reading.


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