So where to begin with what's wrong with this...
1 - Not telling people BEFORE the show that they weren't making enough Gleeks to match the Wonder Twins set
2 - Not making enough Gleeks to match the amount of the Wonder Twins sets at SDCC
3 - "Finding" a box and just giving it out to a website at "random" (yeah right, does anyone believe that?)
4 - Just giving a big F-U to the fans with their explanations from "toyguru"
Look, exclusives are by definition "rare" and "hard to get" but this is just ridiculous. If you're a toy company and you release an exclusive figure and say it's only going to be available at the show, you damn well better make enough to go around. ESPECIALLY if it's part of a set.
What good is the Wonder Twins set (available online) without Gleek? It's just completely missing something.
And to top it all off, you limit people to 6 ON AN ITEM THAT IS ALREADY VERY LIMITED!! What the hell are you thinking? Limit it to 1 a person. HELLO!! It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going to happen to the other 5 and or 6.
EBay here we come and scalpers prices will go thru the ROOF!
Damn, nice way to work with the collectors.
Mattel just looks horrible, and rightly so. What a disaster. I'd be incredibly pissed off if I went to SDCC and bought a set expecting a Gleek and got none. And to then have to go and pay EBay Scalper prices (and hold on scalpers, I'll get to you on this fiasco later, I just have to look up the words to describe the way I feel about you...) to get something you were told you would get anyways?
Good way to lose the fans and the market.
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