Isohunt had an add that was just a close up of some computer graphic boobs with "Evony" across them.
So because budget is tight and I don't want (and can't afford) a monthly subscription, I've been looking for free games to play online. I get bored with RPGs and such for the console/PC. Good for awhile, but I like talking to people well I play.
So I fell for the ads. It wasn't the graphic art of the hot babe, naw, it was really the idea of a storyline. The ads said stuff like "rescue your love", and they had pictures of hot babes.
So I said, "hey, why not", and checked it out.
It's fun and all. It's basically just a kingdom building game. You build your resources, build your town, build your army and attack others. That's it. Nothing new or groundbreaking. It's not bad, easy to use, somewhat addicting.
But there's no hot babes.
There's no "love" to rescue.
What the heck?
Well, I guess the ads do there job.
08/03/09 Update:
Saw this ad on IsoHunt today.

What kind of game would you think it is?
And another one:

I don't know about you. But I really want to play this game.
Oh wait.. I already do.
It just looks nothing like that.
Damn ads.
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