I'm not going to get into the political/moral mess of whether Vick should be allowed to play football or not. Going to avoid that one completely. This is just how Vick signing with the Eagles is in a football sense.
For Vick, it's a good situation. He's got a no-nonsense coaching staff that will keep him on a uhm... uh.. leash, so to speak and can deal with the added media pressure having Vick around will cause.
It's also a place that has a good starting QB and Vick can sit back and relearn football and be used situationally.
But it's a bad move by the Eagles. They already have McNabb who has never been the most solid of pysches. The guy freaked when the Eagles drafted Kevin Kolb. McNabb is fragile, mental (and physical, but that's another story). McNabb is going to constantly be looking over his shoulder. He was benched last season for poor play, the move worked because it lit a fire under McNabb's ass, but what happens if he gets benched again and Vick gets inserted?
The first sign of poor play by McNabb and the Philly fans will be screaming for Vick.
Not a good thing.
I hate to say it, and this is the political/moral stuff creeping in, but as much as I wouldn't have wanted it to happen, the best place for Vick would have been the Patriots. The no-nonsense staff to deal with the media and keep Vick in line and there's no way that unless he got injuried you're going to replace Tom Brady.
But Vick signed with Philly and now McNabb is going to looking over his shoulder instead of down the field.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Brady's First Preseason Game
So he played the first half. Looked good. Couple nice passes, real nice one to Moss. Bad interception but was hard to tell if it was underthrown or the receiver just didn't slow down enough. But 2 nice TD passes.
I liked that he did a QB Sneak. If there was going to be any hesitation on his part about mixing it up and worrying about his injury and leg getting twisted it would have been during that play. I didn't see any.
So seems as if Brady is back to his pre-injury form.
Also looks like the Pats picked up a new weapon in Julian Edelman, or as I like to call him: Wes Welker Jr.
The rest of the league is probably a little worried now.
I liked that he did a QB Sneak. If there was going to be any hesitation on his part about mixing it up and worrying about his injury and leg getting twisted it would have been during that play. I didn't see any.
So seems as if Brady is back to his pre-injury form.
Also looks like the Pats picked up a new weapon in Julian Edelman, or as I like to call him: Wes Welker Jr.
The rest of the league is probably a little worried now.
Mini-Review of the RoC Artic Snake-Eyes
I was going to avoid it at first. I didn't like it. The hood just seemed weird on a SE figure. Then I saw the movie. Okay, the outfit makes more sense.
Now I saw it in the stores. There was no hesitation, it was in my hand. The figure is awesome.
One of my favorite figures. It just looks like a snow commando should.
Great paint job, great looks. Yeah, it suffers the same fate as all those figures with the skirts, but I don't care. It's great.
The accessories.. He comes with a sword, a pistol and an ice pick for climbing. Wish he came with a rifle, but Marauder's can fix that.
The Resolute/ME Arctic SE ice shoes would have been perfect to put with this figure but that's okay.
But the backpack... OMG....
It's a string that runs thru it with 2 hooks on either hand. Yes, he can slide down the rope. There are knots near the ends so he won't go flying into stuff, couple inches away, so you can let him go and he'll stop before he hits anything (yes, I did test this real quick).
It's a new style backpack. It just doesn't go into the peg on his back, but it fits around him. More realistic. Also makes sense to help hold the backpack onto SE.
This guy gets a 4.5 out of 5. Iceshoes and a rifle would have made this a perfect figure.
Friday, August 7, 2009
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra Movie Review
This is gonna be long.
4 out of 5
It did it's job. Walking out, some 8/9 year old kid turns to his father and goes "THAT WAS AWESOME!!"
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome a new addition (hopefully one of many) to the ranks of the G.I. Joe fandom.
From the previews and trailers I figured I'd enjoy the movie, I knew it would make a good action flick. What was up in the air was if it would make a good G.I. Joe movie.
And yes, yes it does.
I'm an old Joe fan from '82. Figures, comic books and the cartoon. I love the franchise and I welcome RoC to the mythos. Is it what I wanted and envisioned when I pictured Joe on the big screen? No, not even close. But the spirit and essence of G.I. Joe is there. Military action mixed with a little sci-fi and some character drama (yes, even if it's my least favorite part of the entire mythos, it's still there).
RoC had it all. Was some of it over the top? Yeah. Was some of the tech a little out there? Yeah. But then so are weather dominators and MASS Devices.
I really liked the movie, alot. I'll probably go and see it again (last time I saw a movie twice in the theaters was Return of the King), and this time I'll bring my nephews.
Non-stop action. Great one-liners.
I read the novelization and noticed ALOT that was left on the cutting room floor. And the ending was changed, I liked the novelization ending better, and the extra "scenes" that were in the novel would have helped out alot, especially at the very beginning at NATO Command.
So the good stuff, let's get it out of the way:
I want, no I NEED, the Panther and Rhino from the beginning. Those were some really cool vehicles and I want 'em. I'm now being "forced" to pick up a Typhoon Gunship and Steel Crusher, after seeing 'em in the movie the "maybes" for the toys became definates.
For the most part the actors got the parts down. I didn't really like Breaker, he seemed kind of squirrely, but the rest were good. I didn't think Tatum was as wooden as others have said. Ripcord definately wasn't anywhere near as bad as people were afraid he would be. Hawk was Hawk. Storm Shadow was a BAD-ASS, I mean a really bad BAD-ASS. Loved the look. Sleek, modern, cultured. Lee pulled it off awesomely.
Miller as the Baroness? Great job. She said alot with just a look or a single line like the one that she said when Storm Shadow killed DeCobray. Looked stunning and made a great villianess. She looked like she was having fun (up until the end anyways).
JGL's Rex/Doctor/Commander. Didn't really have much to show off his acting chops, but made a good pyscho villian. Freaky, scary, insane. Just how you want a villian to be.
Destro, I liked alot. I don't know why everyone is on this thing that he needs to be a big physical presence, he never struck me as that. Always struck me as more cultured then physical. And Eccelistein (sp?) is a dead ringer for how Destro looked in the Marvel comic when he took the helmet off.
The one I didn't like? Snake-Eyes. The costume just looked weird. The mouth wasn't what bothered me, it was the hard rubber top. It didn't show expression at all. Made the performance kind of bland and odd. Didn't help that he changed outfits more then a girl.
He must have made Scarlett jealous. And boy, was Scarlett hot. I would love a Paris Pursuit Scarlett complete with motorcycle.
Rachel Nichols did a good job as Scarlett.
And I liked Marlon Wayans Ripcord. Great character. He's what I figured he would be: the funny, sarcastic, wisecracking buddy that we all have that when the chips are down he's got your back and becomes serious.
The CGI wasn't the best, but it didn't end up detracting from the movie. The plot was solid, no major glaring holes (which even Oscar winners have). Great action sequances from beginning to end.
The Elite-Vipers and EELs looked great. I liked the Neo-Vipers better then I thought I would when seen on screen.
Zartan. Yep, can't wait for the sequal now.
What I didn't like?
The Duke/Rex/Baroness thing was kind of blah. Didn't really like it, but then I didn't like that part of the comics either. So no big surprise that I could have done without that aspect of it.
I didn't like the words "G.I. Joe" appearing on the camo they wore in the PIT.
Would have liked to have seen more of the PIT, the place must be HUGE.
Some of the dialogue was bad. I mean really bad. At the cheese level and dipping it's foot into the pool.
I didn't like Breaker. He just felt squirrelly and weaselly. Don't know why, but just didn't like him.
I didn't like the opening scene. I know why it was there, and accept and understand that, but I didn't like how it was pulled off. During that scene I started getting afraid that the movie was going to be bad, that scene just didn't sit well. I don't know if was the dialogue, the sets, the acting or what, but just something about it wasn't right.
Thank god the movie righted itself and got on track real quick.
Now the Accelerator Suits and the Paris Scene. I've always said I wasn't a fan of 'em and I'm still not, but damn that scene was fun to watch. The suits running and jumping everywhere, Scarlett weaving in and out of traffic on the bike.
What a fun scene that was to watch. Now just don't ever use the suits again and we'll be good to go.
All in all, it's a little better then I thought it would be. It's the type of movie I thought it would be, not earth shattering or oscar winning but just damn fun to watch.
I walked out and enjoyed the time. And I'll go back and see it again.
4 out of 5
It did it's job. Walking out, some 8/9 year old kid turns to his father and goes "THAT WAS AWESOME!!"
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome a new addition (hopefully one of many) to the ranks of the G.I. Joe fandom.
From the previews and trailers I figured I'd enjoy the movie, I knew it would make a good action flick. What was up in the air was if it would make a good G.I. Joe movie.
And yes, yes it does.
I'm an old Joe fan from '82. Figures, comic books and the cartoon. I love the franchise and I welcome RoC to the mythos. Is it what I wanted and envisioned when I pictured Joe on the big screen? No, not even close. But the spirit and essence of G.I. Joe is there. Military action mixed with a little sci-fi and some character drama (yes, even if it's my least favorite part of the entire mythos, it's still there).
RoC had it all. Was some of it over the top? Yeah. Was some of the tech a little out there? Yeah. But then so are weather dominators and MASS Devices.
I really liked the movie, alot. I'll probably go and see it again (last time I saw a movie twice in the theaters was Return of the King), and this time I'll bring my nephews.
Non-stop action. Great one-liners.
I read the novelization and noticed ALOT that was left on the cutting room floor. And the ending was changed, I liked the novelization ending better, and the extra "scenes" that were in the novel would have helped out alot, especially at the very beginning at NATO Command.
So the good stuff, let's get it out of the way:
I want, no I NEED, the Panther and Rhino from the beginning. Those were some really cool vehicles and I want 'em. I'm now being "forced" to pick up a Typhoon Gunship and Steel Crusher, after seeing 'em in the movie the "maybes" for the toys became definates.
For the most part the actors got the parts down. I didn't really like Breaker, he seemed kind of squirrely, but the rest were good. I didn't think Tatum was as wooden as others have said. Ripcord definately wasn't anywhere near as bad as people were afraid he would be. Hawk was Hawk. Storm Shadow was a BAD-ASS, I mean a really bad BAD-ASS. Loved the look. Sleek, modern, cultured. Lee pulled it off awesomely.
Miller as the Baroness? Great job. She said alot with just a look or a single line like the one that she said when Storm Shadow killed DeCobray. Looked stunning and made a great villianess. She looked like she was having fun (up until the end anyways).
JGL's Rex/Doctor/Commander. Didn't really have much to show off his acting chops, but made a good pyscho villian. Freaky, scary, insane. Just how you want a villian to be.
Destro, I liked alot. I don't know why everyone is on this thing that he needs to be a big physical presence, he never struck me as that. Always struck me as more cultured then physical. And Eccelistein (sp?) is a dead ringer for how Destro looked in the Marvel comic when he took the helmet off.
The one I didn't like? Snake-Eyes. The costume just looked weird. The mouth wasn't what bothered me, it was the hard rubber top. It didn't show expression at all. Made the performance kind of bland and odd. Didn't help that he changed outfits more then a girl.
He must have made Scarlett jealous. And boy, was Scarlett hot. I would love a Paris Pursuit Scarlett complete with motorcycle.
Rachel Nichols did a good job as Scarlett.
And I liked Marlon Wayans Ripcord. Great character. He's what I figured he would be: the funny, sarcastic, wisecracking buddy that we all have that when the chips are down he's got your back and becomes serious.
The CGI wasn't the best, but it didn't end up detracting from the movie. The plot was solid, no major glaring holes (which even Oscar winners have). Great action sequances from beginning to end.
The Elite-Vipers and EELs looked great. I liked the Neo-Vipers better then I thought I would when seen on screen.
Zartan. Yep, can't wait for the sequal now.
What I didn't like?
The Duke/Rex/Baroness thing was kind of blah. Didn't really like it, but then I didn't like that part of the comics either. So no big surprise that I could have done without that aspect of it.
I didn't like the words "G.I. Joe" appearing on the camo they wore in the PIT.
Would have liked to have seen more of the PIT, the place must be HUGE.
Some of the dialogue was bad. I mean really bad. At the cheese level and dipping it's foot into the pool.
I didn't like Breaker. He just felt squirrelly and weaselly. Don't know why, but just didn't like him.
I didn't like the opening scene. I know why it was there, and accept and understand that, but I didn't like how it was pulled off. During that scene I started getting afraid that the movie was going to be bad, that scene just didn't sit well. I don't know if was the dialogue, the sets, the acting or what, but just something about it wasn't right.
Thank god the movie righted itself and got on track real quick.
Now the Accelerator Suits and the Paris Scene. I've always said I wasn't a fan of 'em and I'm still not, but damn that scene was fun to watch. The suits running and jumping everywhere, Scarlett weaving in and out of traffic on the bike.
What a fun scene that was to watch. Now just don't ever use the suits again and we'll be good to go.
All in all, it's a little better then I thought it would be. It's the type of movie I thought it would be, not earth shattering or oscar winning but just damn fun to watch.
I walked out and enjoyed the time. And I'll go back and see it again.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
A Note on How I Review
So I figure I should mention how I review things (books, movies, games, etc..).
I don't like doing direct comparasions. I let everyone stand on it's own and not look thru "tinted" glasses. Now, that's not saying that I don't judge by the standards of today. We know what a minimum level of graphics should be with the technology we have available today. But I won't ever directly compare Game B to Game A and judge Game B because Game A had superior graphics. Game B should be able to stand on it's own.
I may say Game B is like Game A, so you get an idea, but I won't judge Game B because of the way Game A is.
Same goes for books, movies, etc.
I don't like doing direct comparasions. I let everyone stand on it's own and not look thru "tinted" glasses. Now, that's not saying that I don't judge by the standards of today. We know what a minimum level of graphics should be with the technology we have available today. But I won't ever directly compare Game B to Game A and judge Game B because Game A had superior graphics. Game B should be able to stand on it's own.
I may say Game B is like Game A, so you get an idea, but I won't judge Game B because of the way Game A is.
Same goes for books, movies, etc.
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra Video Game Review
It's fun. Is it earth shaking, ground breaking or anything like that?
No. But it's fun. I'm enjoying myself playing it.
The best part, it starts up right after the movie. I think this story will end up serving as a bridge between the movie and the sequal (or cartoon or whatever the next incarnation of RoC is). For instance, the Baroness is a prisoner and she gets rescued and the Joes find a Cobra symbol and have no clue what it is. So storywise, the Joes just know that M.A.R.S went rogue, they don't know that M.A.R.S. is becoming Cobra.
Another good part, the M.A.S.S. device makes it's RoC appearance.
Another good part, the PIT playset is there. It's the Joes mobile headquarters, so even though it wasn't in the movie, it makes it's appearance.
Also, only past the first level and already have seen (thru communications) appearances by: Stalker (looking like the Resolute version), Tunnel Rat, Dial Tone (female), Wild Bill, Snow Job and Data Frame (not looking like the old Mainframe but kind of similar to his DDP appearance when he had that big ol' ugly tech suit, but not that bad).
The bad: the voices, horrible. Really really bad. Hawk's is the only one close to his movie. The rest are bad.
The communications interplay between Dial Tone and Breaker gets a couple chuckles.
The gameplay. It's Contra. You have one direction to go and you basically take down everything in your path. The targeting is pretty simple, just look in the direction of the enemy and shoot.
There's nothing that "out there" about it. Just move thru the levels, mowing down enemies.
Got to drive the Snow Cat. Driving is a pain in the ass.
It's a fun game. Nothing complex, just fun.
Graphics are fine. They're not meant to be works of art, they're passable. Definately not ugly, but not stellar either.
As for the complaint that there's no online play. I don't care. Doesn't bother me in the slightest since I don't play console games online.
I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Worth the 50 bucks? No, probably not, but then I don't think any game is worth that much, but luckily I had a gift card.
No. But it's fun. I'm enjoying myself playing it.
The best part, it starts up right after the movie. I think this story will end up serving as a bridge between the movie and the sequal (or cartoon or whatever the next incarnation of RoC is). For instance, the Baroness is a prisoner and she gets rescued and the Joes find a Cobra symbol and have no clue what it is. So storywise, the Joes just know that M.A.R.S went rogue, they don't know that M.A.R.S. is becoming Cobra.
Another good part, the M.A.S.S. device makes it's RoC appearance.
Another good part, the PIT playset is there. It's the Joes mobile headquarters, so even though it wasn't in the movie, it makes it's appearance.
Also, only past the first level and already have seen (thru communications) appearances by: Stalker (looking like the Resolute version), Tunnel Rat, Dial Tone (female), Wild Bill, Snow Job and Data Frame (not looking like the old Mainframe but kind of similar to his DDP appearance when he had that big ol' ugly tech suit, but not that bad).
The bad: the voices, horrible. Really really bad. Hawk's is the only one close to his movie. The rest are bad.
The communications interplay between Dial Tone and Breaker gets a couple chuckles.
The gameplay. It's Contra. You have one direction to go and you basically take down everything in your path. The targeting is pretty simple, just look in the direction of the enemy and shoot.
There's nothing that "out there" about it. Just move thru the levels, mowing down enemies.
Got to drive the Snow Cat. Driving is a pain in the ass.
It's a fun game. Nothing complex, just fun.
Graphics are fine. They're not meant to be works of art, they're passable. Definately not ugly, but not stellar either.
As for the complaint that there's no online play. I don't care. Doesn't bother me in the slightest since I don't play console games online.
I'd give it a 7 out of 10. Worth the 50 bucks? No, probably not, but then I don't think any game is worth that much, but luckily I had a gift card.
G.I. Joe,
video games
Monday, August 3, 2009
Origin of "blowing smoke up your ass"
Guy at work sent this around today. Thought it was pretty damn funny.

My question, what kind of thought process begins and ends with the person thinking it's a good idea to pump tobacco smoke up someone's ass?
My question, what kind of thought process begins and ends with the person thinking it's a good idea to pump tobacco smoke up someone's ass?
Mattel's Monkeying Around

So where to begin with what's wrong with this...
1 - Not telling people BEFORE the show that they weren't making enough Gleeks to match the Wonder Twins set
2 - Not making enough Gleeks to match the amount of the Wonder Twins sets at SDCC
3 - "Finding" a box and just giving it out to a website at "random" (yeah right, does anyone believe that?)
4 - Just giving a big F-U to the fans with their explanations from "toyguru"
Look, exclusives are by definition "rare" and "hard to get" but this is just ridiculous. If you're a toy company and you release an exclusive figure and say it's only going to be available at the show, you damn well better make enough to go around. ESPECIALLY if it's part of a set.
What good is the Wonder Twins set (available online) without Gleek? It's just completely missing something.
And to top it all off, you limit people to 6 ON AN ITEM THAT IS ALREADY VERY LIMITED!! What the hell are you thinking? Limit it to 1 a person. HELLO!! It doesn't take a genius to figure out what's going to happen to the other 5 and or 6.
EBay here we come and scalpers prices will go thru the ROOF!
Damn, nice way to work with the collectors.
Mattel just looks horrible, and rightly so. What a disaster. I'd be incredibly pissed off if I went to SDCC and bought a set expecting a Gleek and got none. And to then have to go and pay EBay Scalper prices (and hold on scalpers, I'll get to you on this fiasco later, I just have to look up the words to describe the way I feel about you...) to get something you were told you would get anyways?
Good way to lose the fans and the market.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Evony and the art of the ad
So I'm sure you've all seen the ads for Evony, the free MMO game? If you haven't, where have you been? They're all over the place.
Isohunt had an add that was just a close up of some computer graphic boobs with "Evony" across them.
So because budget is tight and I don't want (and can't afford) a monthly subscription, I've been looking for free games to play online. I get bored with RPGs and such for the console/PC. Good for awhile, but I like talking to people well I play.
So I fell for the ads. It wasn't the graphic art of the hot babe, naw, it was really the idea of a storyline. The ads said stuff like "rescue your love", and they had pictures of hot babes.
So I said, "hey, why not", and checked it out.
It's fun and all. It's basically just a kingdom building game. You build your resources, build your town, build your army and attack others. That's it. Nothing new or groundbreaking. It's not bad, easy to use, somewhat addicting.
But there's no hot babes.
There's no "love" to rescue.
What the heck?
Well, I guess the ads do there job.
08/03/09 Update:
Saw this ad on IsoHunt today.

What kind of game would you think it is?
And another one:

I don't know about you. But I really want to play this game.
Oh wait.. I already do.
It just looks nothing like that.
Damn ads.
Isohunt had an add that was just a close up of some computer graphic boobs with "Evony" across them.
So because budget is tight and I don't want (and can't afford) a monthly subscription, I've been looking for free games to play online. I get bored with RPGs and such for the console/PC. Good for awhile, but I like talking to people well I play.
So I fell for the ads. It wasn't the graphic art of the hot babe, naw, it was really the idea of a storyline. The ads said stuff like "rescue your love", and they had pictures of hot babes.
So I said, "hey, why not", and checked it out.
It's fun and all. It's basically just a kingdom building game. You build your resources, build your town, build your army and attack others. That's it. Nothing new or groundbreaking. It's not bad, easy to use, somewhat addicting.
But there's no hot babes.
There's no "love" to rescue.
What the heck?
Well, I guess the ads do there job.
08/03/09 Update:
Saw this ad on IsoHunt today.

What kind of game would you think it is?
And another one:

I don't know about you. But I really want to play this game.
Oh wait.. I already do.
It just looks nothing like that.
Damn ads.
If the Sox World Series are tainted so is everyone else's
So David Ortiz and Manny Ramariz apparently tested posted on the MLB 2003 list. And this affects the 2004 and (more importantly) the 2007 Red Sox World Series how? 104 people on that list, 30 ball clubs. Do the math. Chances are good that at least 1 person from every team is on the list, and there is probably many more then that that were juicing prior to 2003 when the scandals started.
If you’re going to call the 2004 and 2007 series into question, then you need to call into question every single World Series from 2007 on until whenever it can be determined that players weren’t using steroids (the 60s? 70s?).
Wasn’t it in 2005 that the more stringent testing policy went into effect? So that would seem to indicate that any series after 2005 is free of question, which would mean the 2007 Series is untainted.
So what about 2004? Like I said, if you’re going to call into question 2004, then you better call into question every series prior to that as well.
So you Yankee fans, do you really want to start coming down on the Sox, because all yours are tainted as well.
If you’re going to call the 2004 and 2007 series into question, then you need to call into question every single World Series from 2007 on until whenever it can be determined that players weren’t using steroids (the 60s? 70s?).
Wasn’t it in 2005 that the more stringent testing policy went into effect? So that would seem to indicate that any series after 2005 is free of question, which would mean the 2007 Series is untainted.
So what about 2004? Like I said, if you’re going to call into question 2004, then you better call into question every series prior to that as well.
So you Yankee fans, do you really want to start coming down on the Sox, because all yours are tainted as well.
What is a Practical Fan?
What is a Practical Fan?
You know the majority of the fans on the brand-specific message boards that go nuts over the littlest things? Those aren’t practical fans.
You know the ones that go absolutely nuts about price increases (we all hate ‘em but…) without listening to the logic of why it had to happen? Those aren’t practical fans.
You know the ones that go nuts if a new version doesn’t match their ideal version (which was probably out in the 80s and is really only ideal because it’s immortalized in a memory) in every single detail? Those aren’t practical fans.
No offense to anyone that matches those descriptions.
A practical fan is just as much a fan of the property as any of the more rapid (and vocal) ones. A practical fan just realizes that sometimes things happen that are beyond their control and try to look for the positive in new releases or whatever.
A practical fan will listen to logic when it’s presented, may not like the conclusions but at least listens and understands that there is a wider world out there and more concerns then just what the fans want.
A practical fan understands that the loud fanbase on the message boards is a very small amount of the larger fanbase, it’s just more vocal.
Most fans, and there’s nothing wrong with this, are incredibly passionate about their brand/franchise/whatever. Sometimes very rigidly so. A practical fan is just as passionate, except they are tempered with the ability to listen to logic and to adapt.
Fandom isn’t black and white, there’s lots of shades of grey. A hardcore fan doesn’t see it that way. A practical fan does.
Now this is talking in absolutes. No one is really an absolute. I tend to think that the majority of fans are practical, it’s just a very few that aren’t and those are the ones that seem to stand out the most.
You know the majority of the fans on the brand-specific message boards that go nuts over the littlest things? Those aren’t practical fans.
You know the ones that go absolutely nuts about price increases (we all hate ‘em but…) without listening to the logic of why it had to happen? Those aren’t practical fans.
You know the ones that go nuts if a new version doesn’t match their ideal version (which was probably out in the 80s and is really only ideal because it’s immortalized in a memory) in every single detail? Those aren’t practical fans.
No offense to anyone that matches those descriptions.
A practical fan is just as much a fan of the property as any of the more rapid (and vocal) ones. A practical fan just realizes that sometimes things happen that are beyond their control and try to look for the positive in new releases or whatever.
A practical fan will listen to logic when it’s presented, may not like the conclusions but at least listens and understands that there is a wider world out there and more concerns then just what the fans want.
A practical fan understands that the loud fanbase on the message boards is a very small amount of the larger fanbase, it’s just more vocal.
Most fans, and there’s nothing wrong with this, are incredibly passionate about their brand/franchise/whatever. Sometimes very rigidly so. A practical fan is just as passionate, except they are tempered with the ability to listen to logic and to adapt.
Fandom isn’t black and white, there’s lots of shades of grey. A hardcore fan doesn’t see it that way. A practical fan does.
Now this is talking in absolutes. No one is really an absolute. I tend to think that the majority of fans are practical, it’s just a very few that aren’t and those are the ones that seem to stand out the most.
Blackest Night#1 Review
Blackest Night #1
Spoilers galore. You have been warned.
If you aren’t familiar with the DC universe and haven’t been reading Green Lantern (or at least keeping up with it) then you’ll be pretty lost as to what is going on here. I never read Blackest Night #0 so maybe that helps out, maybe not.
For instance, I know who that weirdo Guardian is that attacks the others. That’s Scar. But there’s nothing in this issue to tell you who that is or what her (that’s a female??) issue is. But man is she vicious, biting out the throat of another Guardian.
The whole thing is kind of creepy. Ralph and Sue Dibny are especially creepy. Geoff Johns does a great job of keeping their personalities somewhat intact (considering they’re zombies and evil now) but making them incredibly creepy and scary.
They do take down the Hawks too easily though, especially Hawkgirl. Spear in the back? That was too good a character for such a crappy death. I did like Hawkman getting his skull bashed in.
What’s the deal with Bruce Wayne’s skull? And licking it? Really didn’t need to see that in such detail.
Ivan Reis’ pencils are great, but nothing spectacular. Seems like a “house” style, like what I’m used to seeing in a big DC event. The work is nice and he does an amazing job on the pages where Hal shows Barry all the heros that have died since Barry “left”.
I won’t mention how I wish they had left Barry Allen alone. The guy had probably the greatest and most heroic death of any hero ever and they bring him back. /sigh
Martian Manhunter makes his “dramatic” return. The surprise is gone because I’d already seen some of the toys and that ruined the surprise of some of the Black Lanterns (Martian Manhunter, Superman-2 and Aquaman). I’ve always liked the Manhunter. But he’s always been too powerful. Sucks that you have to read about the fight in Green Lantern’s comic.
I hate being forced to buy other comics to get the story that starts off in event comic.
I’m a little worried that they’re making too many Black Lanterns. I know the heroes are supposed to face overwhelming odds, but the pace the Black Lanterns are being made, the heroes won’t be facing just overwhelming odds they’ll be facing catasphoric odds.
Not bad for a 1st issue, sets up the greater conflict. I didn’t like that you had to know who all the players were before hand, it relies too much on us either getting other titles of Blackest Night #0. That’s not always a good thing to relay on the reader having all the pertinent information before hand.
TPF Rating: 7 out of 10
Good enough to buy the next issue. Not good enough to make me sit on the edge of my seat waiting.
Spoilers galore. You have been warned.
If you aren’t familiar with the DC universe and haven’t been reading Green Lantern (or at least keeping up with it) then you’ll be pretty lost as to what is going on here. I never read Blackest Night #0 so maybe that helps out, maybe not.
For instance, I know who that weirdo Guardian is that attacks the others. That’s Scar. But there’s nothing in this issue to tell you who that is or what her (that’s a female??) issue is. But man is she vicious, biting out the throat of another Guardian.
The whole thing is kind of creepy. Ralph and Sue Dibny are especially creepy. Geoff Johns does a great job of keeping their personalities somewhat intact (considering they’re zombies and evil now) but making them incredibly creepy and scary.
They do take down the Hawks too easily though, especially Hawkgirl. Spear in the back? That was too good a character for such a crappy death. I did like Hawkman getting his skull bashed in.
What’s the deal with Bruce Wayne’s skull? And licking it? Really didn’t need to see that in such detail.
Ivan Reis’ pencils are great, but nothing spectacular. Seems like a “house” style, like what I’m used to seeing in a big DC event. The work is nice and he does an amazing job on the pages where Hal shows Barry all the heros that have died since Barry “left”.
I won’t mention how I wish they had left Barry Allen alone. The guy had probably the greatest and most heroic death of any hero ever and they bring him back. /sigh
Martian Manhunter makes his “dramatic” return. The surprise is gone because I’d already seen some of the toys and that ruined the surprise of some of the Black Lanterns (Martian Manhunter, Superman-2 and Aquaman). I’ve always liked the Manhunter. But he’s always been too powerful. Sucks that you have to read about the fight in Green Lantern’s comic.
I hate being forced to buy other comics to get the story that starts off in event comic.
I’m a little worried that they’re making too many Black Lanterns. I know the heroes are supposed to face overwhelming odds, but the pace the Black Lanterns are being made, the heroes won’t be facing just overwhelming odds they’ll be facing catasphoric odds.
Not bad for a 1st issue, sets up the greater conflict. I didn’t like that you had to know who all the players were before hand, it relies too much on us either getting other titles of Blackest Night #0. That’s not always a good thing to relay on the reader having all the pertinent information before hand.
TPF Rating: 7 out of 10
Good enough to buy the next issue. Not good enough to make me sit on the edge of my seat waiting.
On Record For the G.I. Joe Sequals (and yes I think there will be some)
I would just like to go on record as to what I think the plots of the next two G.I. Joe movies will be, pure guessing on my part, I don’t have any insider knowledge (but if someone wants to give me some, I’ll be more then happy to accept it).
G.I. Joe #2 – Will be a more “classic” look (letting all the hardcore fans of ARAH get their day in the sun). A Joe will get captured (probably Duke, cause that’s what Duke does). Flint and Lady Jaye will be the new big Joes that show up. Duke will get injected with the nano-mites and will be made to fight the Joes but he’ll rebel agaist the control and we’ll find out that the nano-mites can’t make you do something you wouldn’t already be inclined to do (hence the Baroness still being bad even when not controlled by the nano-mites). Storm Shadow will return and become a good guy (blah). The main plot will be around Cobra Commander’s latest “take over the world” invention, which of course the Joes destroy.
G.I. Joe #3- Cobra Commander’s starting to lose focus. His troops have low morale (this gets into the whole thing of what happens when evil always loses, see the posting on that topic…), they’re questioning his leadership. All that kind of stuff. So Dr. Mindbender (who’s got a cameo in the first movie and has slowly been working his way up the main character ladder) comes up with the idea of creating the ultimate genetic soldier using the nano-mites and DNA. What CC doesn’t know is that this ultimate genetic soldier is also supposed to be the ultimate leader. And so Serpentor is introduced into the RoC universe. The usual stuff happens, Serpentor triumphs and gets his butt kicked at the end.
Now, I’m no Serpentor fan, but I think it makes a logical progession based on what the main focus and main tech of the new RoC Cobra organization is.
Only time will tell if I’m right.
Of course this is all null and void if the movie bombs (which I don't think it will)
G.I. Joe #2 – Will be a more “classic” look (letting all the hardcore fans of ARAH get their day in the sun). A Joe will get captured (probably Duke, cause that’s what Duke does). Flint and Lady Jaye will be the new big Joes that show up. Duke will get injected with the nano-mites and will be made to fight the Joes but he’ll rebel agaist the control and we’ll find out that the nano-mites can’t make you do something you wouldn’t already be inclined to do (hence the Baroness still being bad even when not controlled by the nano-mites). Storm Shadow will return and become a good guy (blah). The main plot will be around Cobra Commander’s latest “take over the world” invention, which of course the Joes destroy.
G.I. Joe #3- Cobra Commander’s starting to lose focus. His troops have low morale (this gets into the whole thing of what happens when evil always loses, see the posting on that topic…), they’re questioning his leadership. All that kind of stuff. So Dr. Mindbender (who’s got a cameo in the first movie and has slowly been working his way up the main character ladder) comes up with the idea of creating the ultimate genetic soldier using the nano-mites and DNA. What CC doesn’t know is that this ultimate genetic soldier is also supposed to be the ultimate leader. And so Serpentor is introduced into the RoC universe. The usual stuff happens, Serpentor triumphs and gets his butt kicked at the end.
Now, I’m no Serpentor fan, but I think it makes a logical progession based on what the main focus and main tech of the new RoC Cobra organization is.
Only time will tell if I’m right.
Of course this is all null and void if the movie bombs (which I don't think it will)
Evil Needs To Win
So I think evil needs to win.
I don’t mean for real, but in the movies/comics/toys/books/etc..
What kind of threat is an organization that gets it’s ass handed to itself after every episode? How are we supposed to take the threat seriously when we know that at the end, the good guys (no matter how down they appear to be) will always rise up and save the day. Sure, someone may die, but they usually die in a way that saves the day.
And who would want to work for an organization what that kind of track record?
“Why do you want to work for Cobra?”
“I saw that you almost succeeded with the Pyramid of Darkness, the MASS Device and the Weather Dominator. I want to be part of that.”
So I think that evil needs to win now and then. They need to defeat the good guys. Not just during the middle act, but at the end act. Every once in awhile, not all the time, because that has the same effect. If evil wins all the time, then there’s no reason to root for the good guys because we know they won’t win. But every once in awhile, the evil mastermind’s plan needs to work.
Not just kill a major good guy, they need a decisive victory.
I’ll settle for them getting away with stealing something, just as long as the good guys don’t recover it at the end, I mean that’s a start anyways.
But let the bad guys win now and then. It’ll make it that much more satisfying the next time the good guys get a victory, it’ll have meant something.
I don’t mean for real, but in the movies/comics/toys/books/etc..
What kind of threat is an organization that gets it’s ass handed to itself after every episode? How are we supposed to take the threat seriously when we know that at the end, the good guys (no matter how down they appear to be) will always rise up and save the day. Sure, someone may die, but they usually die in a way that saves the day.
And who would want to work for an organization what that kind of track record?
“Why do you want to work for Cobra?”
“I saw that you almost succeeded with the Pyramid of Darkness, the MASS Device and the Weather Dominator. I want to be part of that.”
So I think that evil needs to win now and then. They need to defeat the good guys. Not just during the middle act, but at the end act. Every once in awhile, not all the time, because that has the same effect. If evil wins all the time, then there’s no reason to root for the good guys because we know they won’t win. But every once in awhile, the evil mastermind’s plan needs to work.
Not just kill a major good guy, they need a decisive victory.
I’ll settle for them getting away with stealing something, just as long as the good guys don’t recover it at the end, I mean that’s a start anyways.
But let the bad guys win now and then. It’ll make it that much more satisfying the next time the good guys get a victory, it’ll have meant something.
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